our story

Thank you for visiting our website! My name is Denise Kulhan. I am a Stay-at-home Mom of two from NJ. I love to cook and have a passion for using whole, organic ingredients for my family's meals. I am also that "safety-crazy" Mom, always looking for the best, non-toxic option for every product and toy my children use. After all, they are my world!
Around the time that my son turned two I became frustrated with the plate options that were available. I didn’t want to use plastic because of the danger of BPA and BPS, and had tried everything else. Glass was out of the question for obvious reasons. I liked stainless steel plates, but they scratched up our table tops, and can't go in the microwave. I also liked the bamboo plates we tried, but every single plate eventually broke in half from being thrown on the floor. I soon discovered silicone (the same material used for pacifiers and baby bottle nipples), and was impressed by its versatility. It can go in the dishwasher & microwave, is virtually unbreakable, and is inert, which means it doesn't leach chemicals like BPA and BPS into food.
I tried some of the suction plates and bowls, and none seemed to hold their promise of sticking to the high chair tray. Also, quality is important to me, and I couldn’t find any silicone plates Made in the USA. I realized that many silicone options made in China actually contain plastic fillers (hence the cheaper price point). Moreover, the safety regulations in China just aren’t the same as they are here. I believe in keeping jobs local, and want to support companies that make their products in the USA.
So, I spent a year designing the plates and testing materials, and finally launched Kiddiebites in January 2017. I’m proud that I’ve created a safer plate for our family and can't wait for Kiddiebites to be on your table too.